Our Church

#1) Our Identity: we don’t think big. We think small…one person is important.  *Our community is crying out for ministry with a family feel.  They need someone to share their joys, struggles, needs and victories. We welcome people from all walks of life.  Our church continues to grow because we are ministry focused.  People can find meaning and purpose in volunteering in a multiplicity of ministries that constantly reach out in the name of Jesus.  Our staff busy themselves in kingdom work but are accessible and real.  We believe that it is not enough to hear a sermon on Sunday, people want to know that they will be ministered to during their times of need.  We seek to minister to the whole person, no matter their age.

#2)  Our Attraction:  Creative, Caring and Consistent…God’s way is best.  Our attention is to penetrate our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our programs address the needs of children, youth, families, singles, and seniors.  We are unique in our approach to ministry and missions, from the Master’s Menagerie Puppet Ministry and Mother’s Day Out to the Outbound Bible Studies as the Local Nursing Home.  Everybody counts at First Baptist Church.  Our family has learned that good things come in small packages.  God loves for to use small things to accomplish great victories, whether it is free clothing at the Good Samaritan Center of food for the hungry at God’s Food Bank.  We participate with the area churches to accomplish together what we could not do individually.

#3) Our Connection: Giving Church a Personal Touch…to the people we meet.  Our church desires to welcome people, not overwhelm them.  We seek to extend a hand of friendship and family to all whom God has called to our church.  Our understanding is that careers are temporary; but family, friends, and faith are eternal. Come On Mission for The Master,

-First Baptist Church of Louisa