Pardon me, could you give me directions to…. 8 words that very few if any humans have ever heard me say, all of those times that those words would have made my day so much easier ( not to mention everyone with me). But my belief that I know where I am going and the best way to get there is what fills up the pridemeter inside of me and gets “us” way out of the way!!! We also try to live our lives and make decisions the same way, even knowing that God wants what is best- and knows not only what is best for us, but also the best time for what’s best for us. And that’s a lot of bests!!!
I thank God for what He is doing in our youth group, and I thank Him for all of the adult youth leaders who serve in our church with their pride meters turned way down. And I encourage all of you who are reading this to take every opportunity you have to thank them also. God seems to be working in a Big way in our church and as the body of Christ we need all of the body working the same way!!!!
God Bless, Tim